16-19 Tuition Fund

This page is currently under review

2021 to 2022 Academic Year

We are using the full amount of the funding provided, as set out in the table below. Students have been selected where they were identified as not meeting a Grade 4 in Maths, English or Science, where the lockdown periods and disruption caused to their learning during the pandemic has been detrimental to their progress and learning, leaving the students at a disadvantaged position compared to where we would have expected them to be at this stage, prior to the pandemic. All students in receipt of catch-up sessions (as detailed below) have these recorded in their individual learner record and on our school census. A list of the individual students receiving the different elements of support is held in College. The number of hours of tuition being delivered is shown below with the cost shown against this. The funding will be spent within the 2021 to 2022 academic year.

The following sets out how we are using the £11,488 grant provided.

No of Students

Specific needs of student(s) and why selected

Details of support provided

No of hours of tuition delivered



Working towards a grade 4 in November in Maths

2 x 1.5 hours per week x 4 weeks of tuition (experienced UQT)




Working towards a grade 4 in November in English

2 x 1 hour per week x 2 staff (MPS teacher + UPS teacher)



£155.44  + £174.97


Working towards a GCSE Grade 4 in Science

Timetabled as a one-off this academic year in response to the disruption caused by the pandemic - 38 lessons x 3 hours per week (UPS 3 Science teachers)




Working towards a Grade 4 in June in Maths in November

2 x 1.5 hours per week x 27 weeks of tuition (experienced UQT)




Working towards a Grade 4 in June in English in November

2 x 1 hour per week x 27 weeks of tuition (experienced UQT)




Grade 4 Maths intervention for FLP students

One hour a week of extra tuition (qualified teacher UPS 3)





Total cost of additional support:
