
Hello and welcome. We hope this section of the Whitby School website gives you a real insight into the courses we offer as well as our enrichment and employability programmes. If you require further help or advice then please don’t hesitate to talk to a member of the Sixth Form team.

Whitby School is a caring and dynamic school, which aims to enable all students to reach their full potential by providing a broad range of courses and opportunities. Students are able to choose from a range of courses, including A-level and Level 3 BTECS; Level 2 vocational courses and GCSE resits; and our Foundation Learning course. We have an excellent record of ensuring that students progress onto university, into apprenticeships or into employment.

All students are expected to stay in full time learning or training up to the age of 18. Our aim is to provide an excellent facility for all of the students from Whitby and the surrounding area.