Sixth Form Courses
What does the programme of study look like for Year 12 One Year students?
students can re-sit their Maths or English GCSE courses if needed
students will work towards a qualification in one of the following subject areas: Business, Health and Social Care or Art and Design
students will have an allocated work experience placement in an area they are interested.
Work Experience
Work experience is a very important aspect of the Year 12 level 1 and level 2 programme. The work experience programme allows students to work in a placement which they are suited to. The work placement helps students gain skills which cannot be achieved solely within the school. Work placements vary depending on the student’s preference and future career choice. Some students go on to gain jobs or are offered other training within these placements.
What can you do after a level two course?
On completion students may decide to remain at Whitby School to study Level 3 courses such as BTECs and A-levels. Students can also opt to study elsewhere at another sixth form college, further education college or apply for an apprenticeship. The government has decided that all students must stay in education or employment with training until their 18th birthday. As such we work hard to ensure our One Year students follow the pathway that is appropriate and aspirational by giving students a one-to-one progression interview during the spring term. As part of their interview students receive support in creating a CV, researching options and applying for courses.